Saturday, January 13, 2007

How to avoid a crash

There are two key points to remember when flying regarding avoiding crashes:

The first is to fly at three mistakes high -- each mistake is 25 feet high. The idea being that if you loose control doing a stunt you will loose altitude to 50 feet in the air and then take an additional 25 feet to recover control; therefore you gain control 25 feet of the ground, which is a safe altitude. If you are closer to the ground it is likely you will crash.

Dave flew three mistakes high and cut motor while giving full left turn to cause the plane to spiral. His mistake was when it lost control he did NOT let off the controls (which would self correct itself); rather he gave full power to pull out. It did not work

The second is to know that the plane always wants to self-correct itself. This means that the plane WANTS to fly level and straight. Beginner RC airplanes and most full scale personal planes are great at this. What you must do is zero out all your controls -- absolutely no throttle or turning or elevator. The plane correct irself given you have adequate height.

If you are too close to the ground, you will need to decide what's the best approach, i.e. full power and full up elevator (what ever you do give the radio the is opposite of what the plane is doing. So if the plane is headed downward in a left spiral give up/right to counter correct.


Rogers Place said...

Nice pages here. Great information. Will visit again and recommend.

Scooter Couple said...

Glad it is helpful. That's why I am doing it. I have destroyed a few planes and learned the hard way. I am an intermediate pilot and am pretty invested and have about five planes now with good components. Expect more to come.