Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Can crap fly?

This post is dedicated to amateur competitive eating man Megamunch (Dave), who is also a pilot. His philosophy in flying is "crashing is as fun as flying." With that approach to the hobby one can not justify spending several hundred on a plane, BUT that does present the pilot with a challenge: can you make crap fly?

Dave bought a lemon of a plane for $80 from Harbor Freight Tools -- an SDM Piper. Since then he has invested at least another $80 and built up his plane with a geared 370 motor and larger prop. He upgraded the battery to 9.6v and added some large bush plane style wheels.

Keep posted for a windless morning when Dave and I are both free and I will video tape this bird's maiden voyage. I suspect she'll fly.


Dave S. said...

I think crap can fly. The only question is, can I land it?

Scooter Couple said...

Yes you can. Remember to use elevator as your brake and to use the throttle to raise or lower your nose (this will NOT speed the plane up).