Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A loop with a 2-channel plane

! I am an idiot because I cut the camera off one second before the Yellow Bee completed the loop. I thought Pilot Tom needed my guidance and he flew my plane into a series of vertical stalls . . . a 2-channel plane nonetheless. Amazingly HE COMPLETED A LOOP and landed it -- a bit rough though no damage at all. For those of you that know . . . with an elevator loops are near impossible. The SDM Yellow Bee has a fair amount of power for a $29 junker.

If you are high enough in the air to stall your 2-channel plane several times using full throttle it may, just may, be possible for you to complete an ugly loop. It helps if you have a bit of breeze and are heading into the wind. The is a BIG danger with stalling a 2-channel plane, because you will loose a lot of altitude and not be able to correct it with up elevator; therefore you should be three mistakes high (75 feet).

If you want to avoid stalls, which I instructed my neighbor, Tom, on . . . you must NOT give full throttle to escape the stalls. Instead, give about 70% of power and the plane will level itself out and fly nicely.

Stalls happen when you plane is climbing at too steep of an angle for the wings to receive lift while moving through the air. Contradictory to commonsense (give more speed and up elevator to correct) you need to give down elevator and/or let off the throttle a little to AVOID stalling, which should be your goal or you will likely crash.

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